Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies! {featuring guest chef, Ms Elise Smith}

So, I have gone strict pescetarian, which means no milk, no meat, and no eggs. The only animal products I eat are fish and bee products. Its for environmental reasons, if you're interested, I will talk your ear off about it =)

But anyways. Most cookies, cakes, muffins are off limits for strict pescetarians + My main sweet tooth is for baked yumminess = Marilyn's face looking like :'(

so I crossed dietary lines and asked Elise to teach me her vegan cooking secrets

in case you're wondering.. there is only one because turned cookie monster on my batch before ever taking a decent photo

2 cups unbleached flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

cinnamon, however much you want
vegan chocolate chips (dark chocolate, fairtrade is delcious =) )
1 cup raw sugar
1/2 cup canola/veggie oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup water

1. Mix Dry ingredients

2. Mix sugar and oil so that sugar absorbs oil (very important! or else you will end up with oily, thin, burned cookies! learned that the hard way..).

3. Mix in vanilla and water to sugar-oil.

4. Mix in wet ingredients to dry.

5. shape into cute little blobs on an ungreased baking pan.

6. Bake for 9 minutes in an oven at 350 degreees. You can flip them over at the halfway point, but mine were all squished and pointed and I wanted to keep them that way.

These cookies are of the drier, crispy kind- perfect for my cookie-dunking ritual involving soy or homemade almond milk. They taste like french toast plus chocolate when you dump in alot of cinnamon.

We began our sugar highs with driveway chalk art

and rode it out by teaching Elise how to ride my Arbor sustainably made longboard

fun day!

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